

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King Jr. In the cacophony of success stories that flood our Instagram reels, the word "struggle" is often thrown around like confetti at a celebration. Influencers, with their polished narratives, paint pictures of overcoming odds, but do we truly understand what struggle means? Is it the tale of a privileged youth handed a golden spoon of wealth, aiming to multiply it into a fortune? Or does it lie in the journey of a middle-class individual stepping out of their comfort zone to carve a path in unfamiliar territory? Perhaps, it's found in the everyday struggles of ordinary people, like a young woman selling mangoes in the well-poshed societies of a metropolitan city under the scorching sun with the temperature soaring above 45+ degrees Celsius with her 6 months child clinging onto a make

Lost and Found: The Quest of Finding TRUE SELF

  Restless nights, where the clock's ticking echoes with memories of loss, are peculiar moments in the human experience. The absence of a dear person and the ache of their departure seep into the silent hours, leaving an indelible mark on the soul. But what if, in this contemplative silence, an anonymous call breaks through, hinting at news—whether good or not? Our connections, losses, and self-evolution weave a complex tapestry in these intricate threads of human existence. Among these connections, the most intriguing journey is one where we lose ourselves. It's not just about losing a person or a memory; it's about losing who we were. Reflecting on oneself compared to a year ago reveals the evolution of perspectives, emotions, and values. Humans constantly transform their outlook on life, relationships, and material possessions. In the 17th century, John Locke astutely observed that certain bonds remain unbreakable despite our evolution—the bond with our first

Against All Odds

This is the incredible journey of Vinit, a young man from Bihar that inspires hope and perseverance. He refused to give up on his dreams despite numerous setbacks and worked towards a brighter future. Vinit's story serves as proof of the power of determination in the face of adversity. Vinit hails from a small district in Bihar and comes from a humble background. His family is not very influential and belongs to the lower middle class. As a result, he has had to work hard in order to pay for his studies, which has been a constant struggle for him. His hopes for a better life have been dashed, leaving him feeling befuddled and uncertain about his future. Despite facing disappointment after disappointment while attempting to crack the civil services exam that he was interested in pursuing, Vinit did not lose hope. He began looking at other options to make ends meet and decided to take exams to become a primary school teacher. However, he soon discovered that the system was incredib

Cycling for Survival

  In a world where opulent apartments flaunt breathtaking views of the sea and picturesque landscapes, there is a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed. This is the tale of Kashif, whose modest existence stands in stark contrast to the lavishness that surrounds him. As a guard at a wealthy man's house, his small hut on the outskirts of Varanasi may not offer extravagant amenities, but it is filled with love and resilience - a symbol of hope and determination. Each morning, Kashif wakes up before dawn to cycle 18 km to work. As he pedals through uneven roads, his thoughts drift towards his daughter who turned 28 this year. He ponders why there are no expectations for her marriage and wonders if it's because of their poverty and low social status. While he knows he must work hard to provide food for his family, the constant struggles weigh heavily on his mind. He dreams of having a home where they can live without fear of rain or storm - living in their current hut makes them