Ever thought we would be able to see the clear blue sky from our city buildings? Ever thought we would care so much for our personal hygiene? Sanitizing our surroundings and hands every hour. The COVID pandemic is the most difficult crisis our planet is facing since the 1918 Spanish flu, one that kills people and also leads to an economic recession.

But the good habits COVID has given us should stay with us for a long time. The person who didn't bother about eating fruits or washing hands after coming from the market is now serious about hygiene and the food he or she eats. We are now caring about our health. While we wonder how the world changed from staying positive to negative. The pandemic has taught us several positive things too.

Students who were always busy in their day-to-day schedule, full of tensions and exhaustion, now they are able to explore themselves with interests and hobbies. Remember the time when we could sit and talk for hours at Starbucks sipping our luxury coffees, which is now replaced by homemade ones which are far tastier than those luxury ones making a lot of them a good chef. The onus is now on us how to use this time to explore ourselves.

When we are done with this pandemic, which we will definitely be. We could get two choices either to go back to the world it was before with new skill-sets or with just grim past stories.


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