Medusa was a priestess to the goddess Athena, the virgin goddess of astuteness and fight. One prerequisite to be a priestess for Athena is that the young lady should be a virgin and give her life to the goddess. Someday, Poseidon, the lord of the sea and adversary to Athena, saw Medusa and chose to embarrass Athena by assaulting the priestess on the means of Athena's sanctuary. Poseidon flew after he was done and left Medusa helpless and feeble.


Medusa petitioned Athena for direction and absolution. All things considered, back then, the divine beings guaranteed their mates as their accomplice everlastingly, and Medusa was now Poseidon's significant other. Athena peered down out of resentment and reviled Medusa for deceiving her. Medusa was shipped off a distant island and was reviled so that no man would need her. She was given chicken legs, large metal wings, broken skin, franticness, and her unique snake hair and stone eyes. Medusa was currently a beast lady.


Medusa was expelled from human advancement to an island without anyone else. She was separated from everyone else and just saw men pursue her, attempting to slaughter her. She took a gander at them in dread and saw them go to stone before them. She was terrified of her forces and irate at the divine beings for reviling her. She delivered her retribution on the men that were shipped off to execute her. Anyone who made one stride on her island was now stamped for death on account of the Gorgon Medusa.


A long time later and numerous men later, Perseus went to the island with a safeguard from Athena, flying shoes from Hermes and a blade and crown from Zeus. He outfoxed Medusa and removed her head to reclaim it with him to save his mom from wedding a jerk. From Medusa's body came a winged golden horse, Pegasus, and a brilliant fighter named Chrysaor. Numerous years after the fact, Perseus introduced the head of Medusa to Athena, who took the cut off head and transformed it into an extreme safeguard with a metal head of Medusa alarming numerous foes with a solitary look.


Medusa was a faithful lady who spent her childhood preparing to turn into a priestess to a goddess she revered and accepted was the most grounded of the multitude of Olympians. Athena additionally preferred Medusa since Medusa was a lovely lady who picked the goddess rather than any man. In any case, the godlike fight among Athena and Poseidon influences significantly more than simply those two; it parts Olympus and remains numerous lives.



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