Would you be able to envision a town where the houses have no doors? A town where the shops are constantly open without any fear of thefts? Here is a short anecdote about such a town.

Shani Shinganapur, a town in the Indian province of Maharashtra, is renowned for the way that the houses have no doors and shops in the town are consistently kept open. Individuals in the Shani Shinganapur Village have faith in Lord Shani, who shields the town from crimes and robberies. The residents believe that God Shani punishes any individual who does robbery. The divinity here is "Swayambhu" (it is a Sanskrit word that implies a self-developed god) that arose out of the earth as a dark stone.

The story starts around 300 years ago, after a heavy downpour and flooding, a big rock came to the shores of the Panasnala River, which once moved through the town. At the point when the inhabitants of this town touched the stone with a stick, it began bleeding. At that point in the evening, Lord Shani showed up in the dreams of one of the local people, informed that the rock was his own godlike object. The god said that the section ought to be kept in the town. Furthermore, lord Shani additionally put a condition that the stone should not have a rooftop as it should be able to watch the town with no obstruction. Lord Shiva at that point blessed the locals and guaranteed that he would shield the town from any damage and burglary. After the residents introduced the immense piece at a non-protected region in the core of the town, they chose to remove all doors and locks.

The inhabitants of the town guarantee that it has been totally crime free for over 300 years. Following the town's custom in 2011, the United Commercial (UCO) Bank opened a 'Lock-less' branch in the town, the first of its sort in the country. In September, the principal police headquarters was opened in the town which additionally has no doors. They just have a sliding way to keep lost canines and creatures from entering the police headquarter. No crimes have been accounted for at this police headquarters since it began.



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