"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

In the cacophony of success stories that flood our Instagram reels, the word "struggle" is often thrown around like confetti at a celebration. Influencers, with their polished narratives, paint pictures of overcoming odds, but do we truly understand what struggle means?

Is it the tale of a privileged youth handed a golden spoon of wealth, aiming to multiply it into a fortune? Or does it lie in the journey of a middle-class individual stepping out of their comfort zone to carve a path in unfamiliar territory?

Perhaps, it's found in the everyday struggles of ordinary people, like a young woman selling mangoes in the well-poshed societies of a metropolitan city under the scorching sun with the temperature soaring above 45+ degrees Celsius with her 6 months child clinging onto a makeshift cart through a cloth for shade and his 5 years older son just sitting on the cart shouting Mangoes at a cheap rate, OR the elderly man peddling through his slow steps with two full bags of handmade soaps with each weighing around 10kgs, while he doesn’t have enough money to own a bicycle even in a city where expensive SUVs are the most common sight on every street while walking for long hours carrying an approx weight of 18-20 kgs he rests momentarily on the sidewalk with a hope of help from nearby passing people, only to resume his journey post he catches his breath, knowing that the city will still move on without him and no one cares even if he doesn’t make his living today.

These are not made-up narratives coming out of the blue from the imagination of someone; they are the harsh realities faced by many in Indian cities, a stark contrast to the glossy success stories we often hear while scrolling our Instagram reels and getting inspired by someone’s success. The only stark difference lies not in their determination or hard work, but in the lack of recognition and support they receive during this phase. It’s practically impossible to cover every short story which could hold no relevance or what we call in this digital tech-savvy world the VIEWS OR TRACTION of our youth.

But the burning question is: Do we, as a society, have a standardized parameter for measuring struggle? Does it adhere to the rigid boundaries of class and income that we as a society have made?  Where those earning above a certain threshold income bracket are deemed exempt from the use of the word struggle in their life?       

Much like the different cups set out for guests in an average Indian household, the quantity poured remains the same, yet the vessels serve as symbols of societal hierarchy. Shiny and new cups for the guests belonging to the high class and old colour fainted cups with broken edges for low-class people even if they wear the same set of clothes as us. Similarly, in the realm of struggle, life's challenges are universal, but the resources and support available vary vastly some could get a shiny cup to start with and progress to silver cups and still call it a struggle yet some still struggle with the old fainted cups dreaming of that shiny cup that holds no importance to its original user.

Life is not solely about helping the homeless people on the streets or sheltering stray animals; it's about recognizing the struggles of our fellow human beings and extending a helping hand, no matter how small, to uplift each other in our shared journey through life.          

It's time we extend empathy beyond mere acknowledgement and actively support those who navigate life without the safety nets of privilege. A simple act of kindness, such as purchasing goods from street vendors, can significantly impact their livelihoods and offer a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.


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