Lost and Found: The Quest of Finding TRUE SELF


Restless nights, where the clock's ticking echoes with memories of loss, are peculiar moments in the human experience. The absence of a dear person and the ache of their departure seep into the silent hours, leaving an indelible mark on the soul. But what if, in this contemplative silence, an anonymous call breaks through, hinting at news—whether good or not? Our connections, losses, and self-evolution weave a complex tapestry in these intricate threads of human existence.

Among these connections, the most intriguing journey is one where we lose ourselves. It's not just about losing a person or a memory; it's about losing who we were. Reflecting on oneself compared to a year ago reveals the evolution of perspectives, emotions, and values. Humans constantly transform their outlook on life, relationships, and material possessions.

In the 17th century, John Locke astutely observed that certain bonds remain unbreakable despite our evolution—the bond with our first teachers (parents), our first friends, and our first love. His words resonate deeply because they take us back to when our true colours shone brightly without mistakes or fear of judgment.

Life's rollercoaster trajectory reveals our true selves at some point and initiates the process of evolution. As we navigate this journey, our personality becomes a mosaic shaped by others' perceptions and experiences with us and by the lasting impact of our actions and words.

During this transition, erosion begins to take place within our genuine identity. Opinions, personal experiences, and perceptions from those around us start diluting our core. The grievances, the hurt caused, and the impressions we leave behind—all these factors shape our evolving personality. We walk through life, shedding our raw authenticity as a polished version of ourselves emerges, bearing the imprints left by others' narratives about us.

But what happens when even your initial self-fades away? When does the last connection to our past dissolve, leaving us adrift in a sea of polished, diluted personalities? The loneliness of being unable to share our unfiltered thoughts and emotions sets in. It's like losing a part of oneself, having an ear chopped off and being left to navigate the world with just one ear to listen and understand.

Reclaiming that authenticity becomes an uphill battle. Moments spent with our authentic selves are fleeting, perhaps only found in conversations with someone from a bygone era. But what if even that lifeline slips away?

Being alone in a crowd becomes the new normal—a solitary voyage where sharing unfiltered thoughts feels like an impossible luxury. It's like solving a puzzle missing a vital piece, leaving a void that's hard to fill. The loss of connection with our true selves resonates loudly in the deafening silence of emotional isolation.

So, how do we overcome this? Perhaps it lies in the art of introspection, finding solace within ourselves, and rekindling the flames of authenticity that once burned brightly. It's about acknowledging the journey, accepting the evolution, and holding onto the essence that defines us.

In this maze of self-discovery and emotional upheaval, rediscovering our true selves becomes a quest, a personal pilgrimage toward authenticity. It's about crafting a new narrative that integrates past experiences, present realities, and future aspirations. It involves embracing vulnerability, acknowledging flaws, and reconnecting with the rawness that makes us human.

Ultimately, the journey of self-evolution remains an intricate tapestry where threads of past authenticity intermingle with layers of present refinement. While losing our original may seem daunting, we can reconcile, mend the gaps, and reignite that communion with our genuine essence. After all, amid life's rollercoaster ride, the quest to preserve the most authentic version of ourselves becomes our most compelling narrative. The journey may seem challenging, like piecing together shattered mirror shards to glimpse our unadulterated reflection. However, therein lies the beauty—the constant pursuit of authenticity amidst life's chaos.



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