With the introduction of technology into our world, social media has become a part and parcel of everyone’s life. From the time we wake up until the time we go to bed, we are always on our mobile phones or gadgets using it. Nevertheless, it is one of the most famous platforms to express our thought and happiness. But at the same time, we have just hidden our life from the real world. We have to reassess our screen time; people are not the same they were used to be. It seems as if we can survive a day without food but not without social media. Meeting with friends is now replaced with video calls and wishes are being reduced to messages.

The fact that we cannot express who we are! It is really depressing. People judge us by our looks and thoughts on social media. Some are there to spread happiness, some to motivate and some are just to spread negativity. We are surrounded by high-speed Wi-Fi connection, but is it really our connectivity tenacious? The answer seems No. The bond that we used to share with our friends, the emotions that we used to feel are now missing, and thus the loss of our real self has made us feel lonely.
But there are many benefits of social media that need to be specified. Especially during these Covid times, we have seen that people have shifted completely to the online mode. From studies to businesses, everything is online now. And it is a great tool to reach out to a massive audience. It helps businesses to grow their consumer base and students to learn and explore new things on social media.
Social media has become a boon for small businesses to grow by using different advertising strategies at a low-cost rate and for people having creative skills to showcase on different platforms like Instagram or Face Book. It has even helped established businesses to get to know and interact with their consumer base in a much easier way.
In the world which has become more diplomatic and egoistic. The onus is on us now how effectively we can use these platforms to our best use.


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