Cycling for Survival


In a world where opulent apartments flaunt breathtaking views of the sea and picturesque landscapes, there is a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed. This is the tale of Kashif, whose modest existence stands in stark contrast to the lavishness that surrounds him. As a guard at a wealthy man's house, his small hut on the outskirts of Varanasi may not offer extravagant amenities, but it is filled with love and resilience - a symbol of hope and determination.

Each morning, Kashif wakes up before dawn to cycle 18 km to work. As he pedals through uneven roads, his thoughts drift towards his daughter who turned 28 this year. He ponders why there are no expectations for her marriage and wonders if it's because of their poverty and low social status. While he knows he must work hard to provide food for his family, the constant struggles weigh heavily on his mind. He dreams of having a home where they can live without fear of rain or storm - living in their current hut makes them vulnerable to nature's elements.

He longs for a place where his loved ones can live with dignity and pride - somewhere they can call their own. Despite all odds against him, Kashif never loses hope; his determination remains unwavering as he strives for a better life for himself and his family.

However, life dealt Kashif an unimaginable blow when he lost his eldest son during the Delhi riots. The grief and pain were unbearable; however, things took an even worse turn when their family was accused of being anti-social and unpatriotic without any means to defend themselves financially against these allegations. The loss of their son coupled with false accusations had taken its toll on the family; they became social outcasts living in suspicion and shame.

As Kashif arrives at work guarding the rich man's house each day, he gazes up at the grand mansion wondering what it would be like to reside in such luxury while standing at attention as the rich man's family passes by. Kashif's life is vastly different from those around him, yet he remains resolute in his duty and responsibility. He takes great pride in his work, regardless of its perceived mundanity. After a gruelling 12-hour shift, he makes his way home through dimly lit and desolate roads. His mind is occupied with thoughts of his life and the challenges he faces; how will he provide food for his family? How can he fight against false accusations? However, his ruminations are abruptly interrupted when he realizes that it's time to collect the allotted food for his loved ones from the ration shop. Standing in line, Kashif hopes that this time they'll receive their ration.

Upon finally reaching home, Kashif finds his son lying on the ground under the influence of drugs and alcohol. This sight fills him with sorrow as he knows that all the money earned goes towards these addictions instead of supporting their family. Entering their hut, Kashif sees that his wife is still unwell and lies by her side while holding her hand. He ponders over how he will provide food for them after he's gone but never loses hope despite constant struggles. As thoughts of the family continue to swirl in Kashif's mind, sleep eventually overtakes him as determination persists within him to keep working hard no matter how difficult it gets.

Kashif's story serves as a testament to human resilience and determination amidst adversity. As I walk down the busy street, I can't help but notice the stark contrast between the opulent apartments with breathtaking views and the small huts on the outskirts of the city. It's a visual representation of the vast income inequality that exists in India.

I think of Kashif, whose small hut is a symbol of resilience and hope. His life is vastly different from the lavishness that surrounds him, but he remains determined to provide a better life for his family. At the same time, I can't help but feel heartbroken for those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder, who are unable to break free from the cycle of poverty despite their best efforts. The wealth gap in India is staggering, with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

The issues underlying income inequality in India are complex and intertwined. Education, corruption, and unequal access to opportunities all contribute to the problem. Government policies and programs can help, but it requires a collective effort from all sections of society to address it. I wonder what can be done to bridge this gap and provide a better future for all. Perhaps it starts with recognizing the value of every individual, regardless of their social status or economic situation.

Everyone deserves a chance to live with dignity and pride, just like Kashif's dream of having a home where his loved ones can feel safe and secure.


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